19 January 2006

ECUSA: to fund or not to fund?

Below is my opening round in correspondence among the members of an ad hoc committe to facilitate "designated giving" - that is, making it possible for parishes to ensure their pledges do not support the budget of ECUSA - to the Diocese of Tennessee:

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year – I hope this finds you well. Did you remember there was a “designated giving” committee and that you were on it? Me, neither. In any case, Bp. Herlong has asked for a report and possibly a resolution for the fast-approaching Diocesan Convention. Our charge, incorporated into the resolution passed last year is “to present a permanent and more satisfactory solution of this dilemma to the 174th Annual Convention.” The resolution passed at Convention last year amended the Canons as follows:

[Canon 23 (3A) is amended as follows:]
It is the duty of each congregation established within the Diocese of Tennessee to contribute its share of the annual budget of the Diocese, including its share of its pledge to the National Church, provided that each congregation be permitted to designate a portion of its Fair Share designated to the National Church to other local, national, and international ministries designated by the Diocese of Tennessee.

[and Canon 15 (1) is amended by adding the following words:]
“unless otherwise provided in these canons.”

It seems to me that the wisest thing to do at this point is to offer a brief report and/or simple resolution which takes into account the reality of our situation – namely, that many traditionalists among us will not support the budget of the National Church, and not simply as a means of protest but as a matter of conscience. Currently at my own parish, we make a pledge to the Diocese (based on an actual tithe of our income) and subtract a tithe from that amount which is then given to the Anglican Communion Network. Doing so allows me to tell my concerned parishioners that their giving to the parish will not support the National Church’s budget. However, I can tell you that that arrangement was and is a tough sell with many of our people, Vestry included. They do not even want their already discounted contributions going into a fund from which money is then distributed to the National Church.

Having said that, I do agree that this kind of “designated giving” is certainly an abnormal way to for us to relate within the Church. But, again, I do think these are abnormal times; there is no need to rehearse the details of how this has been manifested, but suffice it to say that the actions of the 2003 General Convention precipitated a time of abnormal relating with the Anglican Communion. So, I would suggest that we explicitly acknowledge this tension by placing a “sunset” clause on the provision for designated giving. Perhaps we could structure the resolution so the matter must be reconsidered at the 2009 Diocesan Convention; this would be the first Diocesan Convention following the 2008 Lambeth Conference, by which time we may hope some clarity will have emerged.

As a further consideration, Bp. Herlong would like to see the Diocese (and the resultant budget wars at Convention) removed from the equation. In other words, he would prefer that congregations support, or not support, the National Church directly. I guess that’s fine by me and the makes the Bishop & Council’s life easier. I would make this subject to the same sunset provision and ask that parishes report to the secretary of the Convention of the B&C or whoever is appropriate.

So, my suggested revision of Canon 23 (3A) would be something along the lines of the following:

It is the duty of each congregation established within the Diocese of Tennessee to contribute its share of the annual budget of the Diocese, including its share of its pledge to the National Church, provided that each congregation be permitted to direct the portion of its Fair Share designated to the National Church to other local, national, and international ministries designated by the congregation’s Vestry, and that a report of such contributions to the National Church or other ministries is made to the Bishop & Council. This provision expires as of the 107th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Tennessee.

Those are my thoughts, and my thoughts only. One alternative would be simply to submit a brief report stating that we were unable to devise “a permanent and more satisfactory solution of this dilemma.” (That was my initial thought before I started getting phone calls from the Bishop and his Canon.)

Obviously, time is short. Please respond to the whole list with your own thoughts and suggestions as to how to move forward. It may be necessary that we meet. I could be available any afternoon on the Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (23-25 January) preceding the Convention.

Patrick Allen+, Chairman


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