06 March 2006

What's At Stake.

ROWAN WILLIAMS: I think we have to wait and see on that. There are other world churches, the Lutheran Reform Churches, which get on with a federal pattern. There’s always been, I think, a higher expectation in the Anglican Communion, that we, we have more, more at stake than that. And of course what that means is that if there is rupture, it’s going to be a more visible rupture, it’s not just going to settle down quietly into being a federation. And, I suppose my anxiety about it is that if the Communion is broken we may be left with even less than a federation.
DAVID FROST: Even less than a federation.
ROWAN WILLIAMS: And there will have to be an awful lot of bridge-building, absolutely decades to restore some sort of relationship there.
DAVID FROST: Yes. … at the moment is that … majority of the Anglican Communion are quite clear that active gay relationships should not be blessed in church and actively gay clergy should not be ordained and that these are unwelcome new developments in America. I mean that would be the common view, wouldn’t it?
ROWAN WILLIAMS: Very much the majority view and I think on a matter of real substance like this, a matter that effects the interpretation of the Bible, the discipline of clergy and lay people, what actually the Church will bless in God’s name; for a change on that I think we would need, as a Communion, to have a far greater level of consensus than we in fact have. Which is why the American determination to go it alone is, is worrying.
DAVID FROST: And is the, is the convention in June likely to be that moment of decision?
ROWAN WILLIAMS: A lot rides on that and people have projected lots of expectations. I’ll wait and see.


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