25 April 2006

"Can ECUSA Recover?"

"At General convention in 2003, I sat next to a talented, young, and intelligent lay leader of our church as we awaited our turn to make an evening presentation. She was wearing a button that declared, "Ask me about Gene" which were worn by Robinson's supporters including the wife of our presiding Bishop. I turned to her and said, "OK, so tell me about Gene." For over 10 minutes she explained to me what a wonderful person he was. In fact, I recall that she used the word "wonderful" a number of times. She assured me that if I just got to know him that I would discover what a great pastor he was and why he should be confirmed in his election to Bishop of New Hampshire. Finally, I turned to her and said, "All this may be true, but let me ask you, is this worth dividing the whole communion over?" She paused for a few moments and responded, "Well, that's the question, isn't it?""
Reflections from Kevin Martin. Here's the whole thing.


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